San Francisco | Pride Parade 2013

In life, musings

Yesterday I went to the SF Pride Parade, an event I went to in 2008 and have been wanting to reattend every since. This year, I came to SF completely by coincidence for a family vacation, and landed right in the middle of Pride Week 2013. Here are some of highlights from my day. WARNING: This post does contain some butts.

Having had too much fun the night before, we didn’t quite land at the parade early enough to get a prime spot. But. I was still happy to be there. Especially with the recent vote-down of DoMA. The parade was packed full of walkers who just recently got married – within the week, more often than not. 

When these two guys walked by, I pretty much just cried. They are just so adorable, and the photos of their younger selfs are just so sweet and to just think of everything they must have had to tolerate and endure for the past 47 years… 

Lots of colorfully dressed spectators. 

The amount of different groups in support of equal marriage was really inspiring as well. Various ethnic groups and, even more impressive to me, a lot of religious groups were represented and turned out to show their support. Which I really loved. As someone who was raised Catholic, I’m sometimes hesitant to tell people because I don’t want them to assume I disapprove of the LGBT community. So, on a personal note, it was really fantastic to be around so many religious people that also support equal marriage and LGBT rights. 

Part of my view – people sitting on top of the bus station we were watching from. At least her socks were cute.

All images taken with my Fuji x100 which I HEART!

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