Snow Covered Pink Sand Dune Tubing

In travel

A random dude that we ran into while booking our Narrows tour told us we had to take a trip out to the pink sand dunes. An hour+ drive, but totally worth it. Go at sunset. So of course, we had to go explore. 

We definitely hit a point, sometime after crossing in Arizona, and then back in Utah, that we thought that guy might just be luring us out into the middle of nowhere to get mugged or murdered. But after almost an hour and a half of driving through a whole lot of nothing, we found the tiny sign in the middle of nowhere: “Coral Pink Sand Dune State Park.”

Guess what we didn’t find: any sand. In keeping with the theme of the rest of our trip, everything was completely covered in snow.  

But in keeping with our luck, someone had abandoned a miraculous, completely inflated, miraculously bouncy tubing tube right next to the parking lot. You could see for miles around – we were the only people there. That tube was gifted straight from the Adventure Gods to us, blessing our patience and endless miles put on our tiny rent-a-car. 

In the end, we didn’t get to see this coral pink sand the guy had been raving about, but we got our vast pink landscape regardless. As we tubed down a bomber snow dune into the sunset, the light washed everything you could see in a fluffy, warm, iridescent pink. 

The photos don’t do it justice, and you definitely can’t hear the piercing shrieks we let loose as we careened down the dune, breaking any semblance of divine peace. But this was definitely worth the drive and endless hill repeats climbed to get in one more slide.

Check out more of my Zion photos!

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